
22nd California Nonlinear Control Workshop
Organizer: Petros Ioannou
Sponsored: Spring 2012

The 22nd California Workshop on Nonlinear Control sponsored by the Ming Hsieh Institute was held at Davis Auditorium, Andrus Gerontology on May 18, 2012 from 8am – 5pm.

The workshop was attended by about 75 students, postodoc and faculty from Southern California Universities that include California Institute of Technology, University of California Santa Barbara, University of California Los Angeles, University of California Riverside, and University of California Irvine in addition to USC as well as by visitors at these Universities from several overseas Universities. A total of 12 papers have been presented by students and postodocs from different Universities as it is the tradition. There was amble time for numerous discussions and interactions among students and faculty. The workshop is a vehicle for bringing together faculty and researchers and students in nearby Universities in order to facilitate future interactions and in that respect it achieved its objectives.

History of Workshop
About 12 years ago a group of researchers from several Southern California Universities agreed to hold meetings once a semester in the form of Workshops where students and postdocs working in the area of nonlinear control and dynamics with applications to a wide range of industry problems give presentations, get to meet other students and get to know the different campuses. The workshops originally took place once a semester for two days usually Friday and Saturday. During the last few years became a one day long workshop. The actively participating Universities in addition to USC have been Caltech, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UCR and UCI.


Published on May 22nd, 2017Last updated on February 10th, 2020