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Suvrajeet Sen

Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering


  • Doctoral Degree, Other Area Studies, Virginia Tech
  • Master's Degree, Other Engineering, University of Louisville
  • Bachelor's Degree, Mechanical Engineering, Birla Institute of Tech & Science


served as a program director at NSF where he was responsible for the Operations Research, and the Service Enterprise Engineering programs. At NSF, he also headed the Cyber infrastructure planning activities of the Engineering Directorate. Concurrently with his appointment at NSF, he was a professor of Systems and Industrial Engineering at the University of Arizona.

Professor Sen has served on the editorial board of several journals, including Operations Research as Area Editor for Optimization, and as Associate Editor in INFORMS Journal on Computing, Telecommunications Systems, as well as Operations Research. He is the past-Chair of the INFORMS Telecommunications Section and founded the INFORMS Optimization Section. Professor Sen is a Fellow of INFORMS.

Research Summary

Modeling with Optimization Technologies
Applications (Infrastructure Systems: Electric Power and Markets, Telecommunications Networks, Traffic and Transportation) Optimization Theory: Large Scale and Stochastic Optimization, Integer Programming Applications: Infrastructure Systems, including, Cyber, Power, Transportation.


  • 2014 Fellow, INFORMS (Inst. for Operations Research & Management Science
  • 2014 Distinguished Alumnus, Univ. of Louisville
  • 2014 Distinguished Speaker, Penn State, Texas A&M, and Invited Speaker at over 50 universities world-wide.
  • 2014 Keynote speaker at International Conferences on Stochastic Programming (Vienna, Austria and Berlin, Germany) Service Systems (China), Infrstructures (India).
  • 2014 Tutorial Speaker at INFORMS conferences (Boston, New Orleans, Salt Lake City, Maui). INFORMS OR-Practice speaker (Phoenix, Boston)
  • Daniel J Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
  • Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • OHE 310P
  • Olin Hall of Engineering
  • 3650 McClintock Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90089
  • USC Mail Code: 193
Contact Information
  • (213) 740-6810