Ming Hsieh, BSEE ’83, MSEE ’84, is co-founder, president, CEO and chairman of the board of Cogent, Inc., one of the top providers of fingerprint identification systems in the United States. His generous gift of $35 million was the largest ever to name an engineering department in the United States. Ten years later, his endowment continues to set the course for electrical engineering’s expansion into new realms of human invention. As our field grows, so too does the quality of our academic standards and the ability of our graduates to meet the challenges of today's global community.
Below is a sampling of stories and events.
Greatest Hits, Vol. 1 (2006-2016): The Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Read about some of our department's greatest achievements in the decade since Ming Hsieh's gift.
Q+A: Ming Hsieh
On the 10th anniversary of his naming gift to the USC Viterbi Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ming Hsieh spoke about the department, cancer research and his desire to give back.
Putting a Fingerprint on Electrical Engineering
Cogent, Inc. co-founder and Viterbi School alumnus Ming Hsieh has given $35 million to name the School's oldest and most prominent department. Read this cover story about him from the Fall/Winter 2006 USC Viterbi Engineer magazine.
Viterbi School Celebrates a Momentous Gift to Name the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The Viterbi School celebrates a record-breaking gift and naming of the third department in its history at a red-carpet ceremony held in the Ronald Tutor Hall Courtyard.