About HMI
The Ming Hsieh Institute in the Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical Engineering was launched in July 2010, after a generous endowment gift of $35 million dollars from Mr. Ming Hsieh, an alumnus of the department. One of the main goals of the institute is to position the Electrical Engineering Department at the forefront in thought leadership in the world in the area of electrical engineering, and specifically in the development of intelligent technologies to empower mankind.
In addition, the Ming Hsieh Institute is dedicated to defining the future of Electrical Engineering in general through positive impact, creativity and invention. MHI is focusing on creating a vibrant intellectual environment at USC while bringing student and faculty researchers together to engage in the development of new ideas. In its first year, MHI brought students and faculty together through two major events, which we plan to host annually, a Department Retreat and a EE Research Festival. Along with these events MHI also sponsors other activities including cross-cutting and thematic ground breaking research activities and a MHI Scholars Program targeting the most outstanding doctoral students.
Specific MHI sponsored activities included seminar series, conferences, a visitor program and mini-grants, all which were requested for funding through proposals submitted by Electrical Engineering faculty members. These activities are aligned with the institute’s goal to position Electrical Engineering in the forefront in thought leadership and offer additional opportunities to showcase Electrical Engineering at USC to the outside world.
On behalf of the Ming Hsieh Institute (MHI), my co-directors, Hossein Hashemi, Bhaskar Krishnamachari we thank you for exploring our website and hope for your continued engagement and participation in the institute’s activities. Your support is the cornerstone for the continuing success of the Ming Hsieh Institute.
Shrikanth S. (Shri) Narayanan
Andrew Viterbi Professor of Engineering;
Professor of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Linguistics and Psychology