On April 20th, we were thrilled to announce our Annual Ming Hsieh Department Graduate Student Awards Ceremony winners. At this event, some of our best students are recognized not only for their academic achievement, but also for their service to the EE community. Awards are given out for the best dissertations, all of which are also nominees for the Ballhaus Dissertation Prize which is awarded to the best dissertation in all of USC Viterbi.
Working as a teaching assistant (TA) is a big part of graduate school life in this department, and many of our students go above and beyond what is expected of them in the name of education. To honor these dedicated educators, we created the Charles L. Weber Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award for some of our best graduate TA’s. There were laughs and blushes and embarrassed giggles as our students were highlighted one by one for their many contributions to academic life in EE.
A full list of all of our winners is below. Congratulations everyone!
Charles L. Weber Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards
Winner: Olaoluwa (Oliver) Adekola Adigun
Honorable Mention
Mohammad Noormohammadpour
Aaron Kyle Friesz
Debarghya Sarkar
Peicheng Liao
Best EE Dissertation and Nominees for the Ballhaus Dissertation Prize
Shao-Hua Wu - Advisor: Wei Wu
"Light Matter Interactions in Engineered Structures: Radiative Thermal Management & Light-Assisted Assembly of Reconfigurable Optical Matter."
*Yuankun Xue - Advisor: Paul Bogdan
"Theoretical and Computational Foundations for Cyber-Physical Systems Design."
Hao Yu - Advisor: Mike Neely
"New Lagrangian Methods for Constrained Convex Programs and Their Applications."
*Yuankun Xue presented his dissertation on April 19 to the Viterbi prize panel and the winner will be revealed on May 11, 2018 at the Viterbi PhD Hooding Ceremony.