Celebrating the Viterbi Algorithm Through Art
Fifty years ago, Andrew Viterbi, USC Electrical Engineering Alumnus and founder of Qualcomm, invented the Viterbi Algorithm. Without it, nearly all forms of modern communication would be impossible. In celebration of the algorithms golden anniversary, the Ming Hsieh Institute has sponsored a student art competition inspired by Dr. Viterbi's work.
The grand prize of $1000 will be presented to the winning student by Andrew Viterbi on September 25th. The winning piece, along with others, will be on permanent display in the MHI lounge.
Nirakar Poudel

Gary Wang & Cassie Chu

Ming-Chang Chiu

Anton Shkel

Yihang Liu & Yixin Liu

Austin Garrido

Ryan Winters
Maria Camasmie
Negar Golestani

Peter Lillian
Kwame-Lante Wright