Medical Imaging Seminar Series
Organizers: Krishna S. Nayak (Coordinator), Richard Leahy, Justin Haldar, Houchun Hu
Sponsored: Spring 2012 – present
Biomedical imaging has had and continues to have a major impact on our understanding of health, disease, and the inner workings of the human body. This is an area of great strength in our EE department, and is closely linked to multiple NAE grand challenges (advance health informatics, reverse-engineer the brain). The Medical Imaging Seminar Series was developed to initiate a new weekly seminar series at USC focused on medical imaging.
The Medical Imaging Seminar Series started in Fall 2012 and it was very successful. Attendance varied from 25 to 50+. Nineteen graduate students registered for a 1-unit seminar EE 598 and were required to attend 80% of the talks and write reports on two of them. About forty speakers will be invited over the course of one calendar year, of which 20 will be from the Southern California area, and 20 will be out-of-towners.
EE postdocs and PhD students host speakers, for their networking and professional development.