Call For Proposals

USC and Amazon have created a joint research center focused on development of new approaches to machine learning (ML) privacy, security, and trustworthiness. The Center for Secure and Trusted Machine Learning (in short, Trusted AI), which will be housed at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering, will support USC and Amazon researchers in the development of novel approaches to privacy-preserving ML solutions.
Each year, through a competition process, the Center will provide support for several research projects focused on the development of new methodologies for secure and privacy-preserving machine learning solutions. The Center will also provide annual fellowships to doctoral students working in this research area, enabling them to advance research frontiers. Fellowship recipients will be named as Amazon ML Fellows in recognition of their promise and achievements. In addition to funded research projects and annual fellowships for doctoral students, the collaborators will host an annual joint public research symposium to share their knowledge with the machine learning and AI communities.
We hereby invite USC faculty to submit proposals for the first round of funding via the USC-Amazon Center for Secure and Trusted Machine Learning.