Supported Activities

Key activities sponsored by the Ming Hsieh Institute include supporting ground-breaking proposals by our faculty members to launch research and other academic endeavors that enhance the electrical engineering department in significant ways. Proposals are evaluated by the MHI Faculty Advisory Council and / or the MHI leadership. Submit a proposal to request support.

Sponsorship is aimed to support programmatic activities that broadly benefit electrical engineering faculty and students, build an energetic academic environment, and increase the department’s impact and visibility. This includes venture funding for activities under three well-defined themes - Networks, Computation & Devices, and Healthcare - to initiate research and academic programs that are strikingly innovative and forward-looking. The Ming Hsieh Institute supports the below activities.

10th Annual Research Festival

This year's festival was hosted on the Engineering Quad. 140 students presented, over 40 companies visited and 17 industries sponsored the event.

Published on April 13th, 2017Last updated on October 19th, 2021